
Phenotypical study was carried out in rats with pendulum movements. The animals exhibited a high level of abortive seizures in response to audiogenic stimuli and longer postictal catalepsy in comparison with those in Wistar population. Seizure severity positively correlated with the duration of poststimulus catalepsy (r=0.90). High aggressiveness towards humans, the absence of BP elevation in stress, lower body weights, and lower weights of the kidneys and spleen in PM rats are considered concomitant traits. Correlations were detected between startle-1 and BP in rats with pendulum movements (r=0.70) and between startle-10 and BP in narcotized Wistar rats (r=-0.0.71). The newly described signs in rats with pendulum movements did not contradict the signs of the focal seizure model with typical automatisms in humans.

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