
The topicality. Serious changes in the structure of nutrition associated with changes in lifestyle, a decrease in energy consumption, lead to the fact that none of the population groups receives from the food consumed the amount of essential nutrients and micro- and macro elements necessary for health. Fortified, so-called multicomponent meat products can solve the problem of nutritional optimization. One of the promising directions for the production of multicomponent meat products is the introduction of additional high-quality components and food additives into standard formulations in order to improve nutritional value, organoleptic, structural and mechanical properties and enrichment with essential substances. Among the essential nutritional factors necessary to maintain the homeostasis of the human body, essential amino acids are isolated, the source of which is freshwater bivalve mussels and mineral compounds. One of the scarcest selenium compounds are powerful cancer-protective agents, metabolic regulators, which are part of most hormones and enzymes. One of the ways to implement this direction can be the enrichment of minced meat of boiled sausages of standard recipe with the soft body of freshwater bivalve mussels and dietary selenium-protein (DSSP) additive “Sivoselen plus”. The technology of DSSP “Sivoselen plus” contains organic selenium, which is obtained as a result of the interaction of selenium salts and globular proteins of milk whey, scientifically substantiated. It has been established that DSSP “Sivoselen plus” has therapeutic and prophylactic value and, in addition, is an emulsifier of dispersed multicomponent systems. Its introduction into the formulation of food products does not affect the organoleptic properties, increases the structural and mechanical properties of sausage meat and enriches the body with organic selenium.The aim of the work is to substantiate the development of a technology of cooked sausages with a multicomponent composition of raw materials, to expand the range of quality food products by modeling the recipe and technology of cooked sausages with the addition of a soft body of freshwater bivalve mussels and DSSP “Sivoselen plus”. When writing the article, the following research methods were used: standard methods of organoleptic profile analysis, structural and mechanical, methods of experiment planning and mathematical processing of experimental data using modern computer programs.Results. The expediency of using freshwater mollusks and dietary supplements “Sivoselen plus” in the technology development of cooked sausages of the soft body of freshwater mollusks and dietary supplements is theoretically and experimentally substantiated. The modeling of the composition of boiled sausage “Firmennaya plus” was carried out, which made it possible to estimate the influence of the soft body of freshwater mollusks and DSSP “Sivoselen plus” on the organoleptic and structural-mechanical properties of the product. It was found that the optimal amounts for entering into the recipe for the soft body of freshwater mollusk are15.3 g per100 g, and the amount of DSSP “Sivoselen plus” –0.46 g per100 g. Based on the organoleptic analysis, it was determined that cooked sausage “ Firm plus” does not have a smell and taste typical for freshwater fish. The addition of DSSP “Sivoselen plus” in a dosage of0.46 g per100 g does not impair the organoleptic properties. The addition of DSSP “Sivoselen plus” helps to stabilize the stuffing systems. The study of a model sample of cooked sausage DSSP “Sivoselen plus” showed that adding it in an amount of0.46 g of the product has a positive effect on the functional and technological properties of minced meat. This is evidenced by the increase in the indicators of the water holding capacity and fat holding capacity pasta in the experimental sample compared to the control. The data obtained make it possible to substantiate the technology of boiled sausage “Firmennaya plus” with the addition of a soft body of freshwater mollusk enriched with DSSP “Sivoselen plus”.Conclusions and discussion. The technology of boiled sausage with the addition of a soft body of freshwater mollusks and DSSP “Sivoselen plus” has been developed and modeled, which makes it possible to make the composition of boiled sausage more balanced and satisfy consumers’ need for high-quality food products. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the theoretical substantiation and experimental confirmation of the expediency of using the soft body of freshwater mussels and DSSP “Sivoselen plus” and their influence on the organoleptic, functional and technological properties of cooked sausage “Firm plus”.


  • Дослідження модельних зразків паст із різними концентраціями добавкою дієтичною селен-білковою (ДДСБ) «Сивоселен плюс» показали, що додавання її у кількості 0,46 г на 100 г продукту сприятливо впливає на органолептичні і функціонально-технологічні властивості фаршу

  • Subacute toxicity of nano-Selenium compared to other Selenium species in mice

  • Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5, 11(77), 10–16

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Серйозні зміни у структурі харчування, пов’язані з перемінами у способі життя, зменшенням енерговитрат, призводять до того, що жодна із груп населення не отримує зі споживаної їжею необхідної для здоров’я кількості основних поживних речовин та мікро- і макроелементів. Що необхідні для підтримання гомеостазу організму людини, виділяють незамінні амінокислоти, джерело яких – прісноводні двостулкові молюски та мінеральні сполуки. Одними із найбільш дефіцитних є сполуки селену – потужні канцеропротектори, регулятори обміну речовин, складові частини більшості гормонів та ферментів. Одним зі шляхів реалізації цього напрямку може бути збагачення фаршів варених ковбас стандартної рецептури м’яким тілом прісноводних двостулкових гідробіонтів та добавкою дієтичною селен-білковою (ДДСБ) «Сивоселен плюс». Технологію ДДСБ «Сивоселен плюс», що містить у своєму складі органічний селен, який отримують у результаті взаємодії солей селену та глобулярних білків

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