
Students often see college courses as the presentation of disconnected facts, especially in the life sciences. Student-created Structure Mechanism/Relationship Function (SMRF) models were analyzed to understand students' abilities to make connections between genotype, phenotype, and evolution. Students were divided into two sections; one section received instructions that included a specific gene as an example related to larger issues like human disease or the environment. The other section was only given generic examples, like gene X and phenotype Y. Coding of exam models and a comprehensive (extensive) model reveled students were able to make links and work within and between biological scales of organization. Modeling provided a way to show and allow students to practice and demonstrate the ability to build step-by-step causal relationships that link ideas together. We also observed a small differing with students receiving the specific prompt performing better than students receiving generic prompt at the point in the semester where linking across many biological scales was required to be successful.

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