
In this paper a new model of fleet choice for households uses the multiple discrete–continuous extreme value (MDCEV) model as a framework. The aim is to establish a model to allocate car types to activity-based microscopic agent-based transport simulations. What is new in the presented model is that choice is influenced by fuel price in addition to socioeconomic attributes of households. To model a range of fuel prices up to US$20/gal, a database from a sophisticated stated adaption survey about residential mobility choice in approximately 400 Swiss households was used. The model had a choice set of 17 alternatives distinguishing car type and drivetrain. In the MDCEV model, a household chooses multiple car types and distributes an overall budget of vehicle miles traveled to chosen alternatives. The model shows that fuel price has a much greater influence on the selection of the car type than on the use (vehicle miles traveled) of a car. In a certain range of fuel prices, households tend to switch from gasoline to diesel cars. When fuel prices become too high, alternative fuel technologies are considered.

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