
Binning cells by plasmid copy number is a common practice for analyzing transient transfection data. In many kinetic models of transfected cells, protein production rates are assumed to be proportional to plasmid copy number. The validity of this assumption in transiently transfected mammalian cells is not clear; models based on this assumption appear unable to reproduce experimental flow cytometry data robustly. We hypothesize that protein saturation at high plasmid copy number is a reason previous models break down and validate our hypothesis by comparing experimental data and a stochastic chemical kinetics model. The model demonstrates that there are multiple distinct physical mechanisms that can cause saturation. On the basis of these observations, we develop a novel minimal bin-dependent ODE model that assumes different parameters for protein production in cells with low versus high numbers of plasmids. Compared to a traditional Hill-function-based model, the bin-dependent model requires only one additional parameter, but fits flow cytometry input-output data for individual modules up to twice as accurately. By composing together models of individually fit modules, we use the bin-dependent model to predict the behavior of six cascades and three feed-forward circuits. The bin-dependent models are shown to provide more accurate predictions on average than corresponding (composed) Hill-function-based models and predictions of comparable accuracy to EQuIP, while still providing a minimal ODE-based model that should be easy to integrate as a subcomponent within larger differential equation circuit models. Our analysis also demonstrates that accounting for batch effects is important in developing accurate composed models.

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