
To assess the impacts of drill cutting discharges in the Gulf of Mexico, a particle dispersion modeling study was conducted on hypothetical drilling scenarios. The goal was to assess cumulative seabed deposition, and potential hydrocarbon loading from non-aqueous drilling fluids (NADF). Cuttings drilled with NADF showed to have minimal impact on local fauna at the deep-water well simulated. A hypothetical drill site was modeled under 3 different seasonally representative met-ocean conditions. The site is located approximately 260 km from the coast in water roughly 3500 meters (m) deep. Cumulative deposition was assessed for all materials released, whereas hydrocarbon loading was assessed based on the potential for NADF fluids to be retained on cuttings. Smothering effects on the benthic community are not anticipated. Hydrocarbon deposition was also very limited, ≤165 ppm of TPH. Overall, the cuttings drilled with NADF are predicted to have minimal impact on local fauna.

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