
In this article, we present an experiment we conducted with discrete event simulations to analyze the effects of multi-step cyberattacks on the safety of cyber-physical systems. We show how to represent systems, their components (either software and/or hardware), communication links, security measures, and attacks from a malicious intruder. The latter are typically taken from the MITRE ATT&CK knowledge base. The discrete event simulation method makes it possible to represent any event affecting the system. We illustrate our approach by means of an illustrative example involving cyberattacks against the navigation system of an autonomous ship. We show how the formal modeling language AltaRica, primarily dedicated to safety analyses, can assess this illustrative example by representing the system and automatically extracting sequences of attacks, leading to a safety-critical situation, namely the deviation of the ship by the attacker. This article aims to discuss this approach and to outline the lessons learned from our experience.

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