
This paper proposes a method for automatically monitoring and analyzing the evolution of complex geographic objects. The objects are modeled as a spatiotemporal graph, which separates filiation relations, spatial relations, and spatiotemporal relations, and is analyzed by detecting frequent sub-graphs using constraint satisfaction problems (CSP). The process is divided into four steps: first, the identification of complex objects in each satellite image; second, the construction of a spatiotemporal graph to model the spatiotemporal changes of the complex objects; third, the creation of sub-graphs to be detected in the base spatiotemporal graph; and fourth, the analysis of the spatiotemporal graph by detecting the sub-graphs and solving a constraint network to determine relevant sub-graphs. The final step is further broken down into two sub-steps: (i) the modeling of the constraint network with defined variables and constraints, and (ii) the solving of the constraint network to find relevant sub-graphs in the spatiotemporal graph. Experiments were conducted using real-world satellite images representing several cities in Saudi Arabia, and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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