
A computer model was developed to simulate the operation of a 250-kHz coherent Doppler sonar used to detect fish movements. The backscattered signal was constructed by summing contributions from many point targets. That signal was then detected and analyzed using the same method as used in the actual Doppler system. The model results reproduce predictions for the standard deviation of Doppler velocity estimates from volume backscatter based on the standard theoretical model of coherent pulse processing [Zrnic, IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. AES-13, 344–354 (1977)]. However when the signal is modified to simulate the backscatter from a swimming fish (a single strong target among many weaker targets) the modeled standard deviation is 2 to 4 times lower than predicted by theory. Furthermore, the unusually low modeled standard deviations agree with laboratory and field observations. The model results confirm that the theoretical treatment used to predict the performance of Doppler measurements of current flow, blood flow, and atmospheric phenomena does not apply to the backscatter resulting from a single strong target such as a fish.

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