
This paper presents a computational model to simulate normal and impaired auditory-nerve (AN) fiber responses in cats. The model responses match physiological data over a wider dynamic range than previous auditory models. This is achieved by providing two modes of basilar membrane excitation to the inner hair cell (IHC) rather than one. The two modes are generated by two parallel filters, component 1 (C1) and component 2 (C2), and the outputs are subsequently transduced by two separate functions. The responses are then added and passed through the IHC low-pass filter followed by the IHC-AN synapse model and discharge generator. The C1 filter is a narrow-band, chirp filter with the gain and bandwidth controlled by a nonlinear feed-forward control path. This filter is responsible for low and moderate level responses. A linear, static, and broadly tuned C2 filter followed by a nonlinear, inverted and nonrectifying C2 transduction function is critical for producing transition region and high-level effects. Consistent with Kiang's two-factor cancellation hypothesis, the interaction between the two paths produces effects such as the C1/C2 transition and peak splitting in the period histogram. The model responses are consistent with a wide range of physiological data from both normal and impaired ears for stimuli presented at levels spanning the dynamic range of hearing.

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