
Many experts foresee that an ever-increasing ubiquitous Internet world is emerging in the near future. Future Internet research and development threads have recently been gaining momentum all over the world and as such the international race to create a new generation Internet is in full swing: initiatives such as the Global Environment for Network Innovations – GENI (http://www.geni.net/), Asia Future Internet (http://www.asiafi.net/), Future Internet Forum Korea (http://fif.kr/), European Union Future Internet Assembly – FIA (http://www.future-Internet.eu/ home/future-Internet-assembly/madrid-dec-2008.html) are prime examples. In the Future Internet Ubiquitous World (FIUW), people and consumers would make extensive use of ubiquitous computing and communication, which is a post-desktop model of human–computer interaction. This model makes it possible for the information process to be thoroughly integrated into everyday objects, things, activities and infrastructures. This special issue aims to foster the dissemination of high-quality research in any new FIUW approach, method, theory, technique, or architecture, and to showcase the most recent developments and research in the FIUW field, as well as to enhance its state of the art. This issue invites original, high-quality papers that focus on theory, architectures, simulation modeling and analysis challenges faced by researchers seeking to develop new principles or gain greater insight into the design tradeoffs and performance limitations inherent to emerging and existing Internet technologies. This issue also seeks papers that emphasize either simulation methodology or application in the areas of information and service technology, networking and communications systems and infrastructure, including mobile computing systems and virtual network and service infrastructures. This special issue is aimed at soliciting research results on the following topics of interest (but this list is not exhaustive):

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