
Web service composition refers to the creation of new services by combining functionalities provided by existing ones. Current web service choreography proposals, such as WSCI, WS-CDL and BPEL, provide notations for describing the message flows in Web service collaborations. The kernel of WSCI consists of simple communication primitives that may be combined using control-flow constructs expressing sequence, branching, parallelism, synchronization, etc. Many efforts have been made on functional formalization and property verification of WSCI-based service compositions. However, performance facet of WSCI - based service composition is yet to be given the importance it deserves. In this paper, we introduce a stochastic-Petri-net-based approach to predict the performance of web service choreographed using WSCI. This approach translates WSCI-based composition into general stochastic Petri net and obtain s analytical estimation of process-completion - time based on the continuous-time Markov chain derived from the Petri net. In the case study, we use Monte-carlo experiments and confidence interval analysis to validate theoretical evaluations.

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