
The article considers controlling the temperature of superheated steam in boiler units. When regulating the temperature of steam in modern boilers, special requirements are imposed on the accuracy of maintaining the temperature at a given level. The temperature must be maintained close to the value set in the design of the unit, regardless of the operating conditions of the boiler and its load. With a decrease in temperature, not only the effectivity of the entire installation decreases, but there is also an increase in the probability of emergency situations. An increase in temperature leads to deformation and premature wear of the metal of the boiler, resulting in the boiler emergency stop. The necessity of controlling the temperature of superheated steam in boilers is also relevant owing to the aging of the equipment. These facts make us conclude that the problem of maintaining temperature is one of the most important tasks in the boiler controlling. A review of scientific and information sources on this subject has been presented. As it follows from the above analysis, at present the controlling the temperature of superheated steam has not been fully studied. A mathematical model of the superheated steam temperature control system is presented, it taking into account the non-linearities of the subjects of research. It has been established that the control system responds adequately to disturbances and restores the set temperature of superheated steam, changing the necessary parameters of the system. It is proposed to modernize the temperature control system of the boiler unit by installing a new VariCool desuperheater and vibration control system, which will proactively identify possible malfunctions and partially diagnose the condition of the equipment in real time under operating conditions, without waiting for stops and repairs. A visualization of the system work in Scada- system simulating manual work of a technologist has been fulfilled


  • У статті розглядаються питання управління температурою перегрітої пари в котельних агрегатах

  • The article considers controlling the temperature of superheated steam in boiler units

  • The necessity of controlling the temperature of superheated steam in boilers is relevant owing to the aging of the equipment

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У статті розглядаються питання управління температурою перегрітої пари в котельних агрегатах. Температура повинна підтримуватися близькою до своєї величини, заданої при проектуванні агрегату, незалежно від характеру режиму роботи і навантаження котла. Пропонується математичну модель системи регулювання температури перегрітої пари з урахуванням наявних на реальному об’єкті нелінійностей. Пропонується здійснити модернізацію системи регулювання температурного режиму котельного агрегату за допомогою установки нового пароохолоджувача VariCool і системи діагностики вібрації регулюючих клапанів.

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