
AbstractThe present paper contains a methodology for modeling and life assessment of fatigue loaded welded components providing distinct weld start and end locations. The proposed methodology follows the IIW recommendation regarding modeling and finite element meshing of weld toe and root by means of an effective notch radius and uses the corresponding Wöhler curve (FAT class) to assess the durability. Geometrical singularities and, therewith, numerical discontinuities, can be overcome especially when 3D weld root problems are treated. The fatigue life assessment is performed on the basis of normal stresses acting at the failure‐critical weld toe and root locations. Comprehensive experimental database containing stress and fatigue life results derived from motor truck's hypoid rear axles providing complex 3D welds subject to vertical, longitudinal, and torsional loading is used to verify the calculation accuracy of the proposed methodology. The agreement between experimentally determined and calculated fatigue results is satisfactory.

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