
In this research article reveals that the design fundamentals and the manufacturing procedures of the blackboard cleaner. The goal here is to decrease the labor associated with cleaning the chalkboard after use. Despite the fact that the utilization of smart boards is expanding, numerous organization in the created and creating world despite everything utilize blackboard (or) slate. The chalk powder acquired from chalk pieces while erasing the writing board, when breathed in by human reason's respiratory framework. Different issues like balding, consuming of eyes and so forth. To defeat this causes, programmed board is utilized with remote detecting which assists with working from certain separation. Generally talking, programmed chalkboard is a gadget which is utilized to clean the slate consequently which thusly lessen human work and aides in efficient. This venture is essentially running with the assistance of dc engine with constrained rates. Based on remote detecting gadget and rollers fitted in auto tic board duster is utilized to evacuate dust all around the slate. The fabricated machine is naturally distinguish the writing board chalk stains, delete the text style and keeps the chalkboard clean. These venture give great answers for human work whenever devouring. The cleaning productivity of programmed writing board cleaner is assessed to be superior to anything the manual tasks when the gear is completely finished.

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