
Conversational user interfaces (CUIs), such as chatbots, are becoming a common component of many software systems. Although they are evolving in many directions (such as advanced language processing features, thanks to new AI-based developments), less attention has been paid to access control and other security concerns associated with CUIs, which may pose a clear risk to the systems they interface with. In this paper, we apply model-driven techniques to model and enforce access-control policies in CUIs. In particular, we present a fully fledged framework to integrate the role-based access-control (RBAC) protocol into CUIs by: (1) modeling a set of access-control rules to specify permissions over the bot resources using a domain-specific language that tailors core RBAC concepts to the CUI domain; and (2) describing a mechanism to show the feasibility of automatically generating the infrastructure to evaluate and enforce the modeled access control policies at runtime.

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