
Bionic underwater robot is a new-type underwater r obot which propelled and controlled by several bion ic fins. Heaving motion is an indispensably function f or most bionic underwater robots. Bionic bladder sy stem is an apparatus which can realize both heaving and pitchi ng control. It was inspired by biologic fish's blad der. It was composed of a cylinder, a piston, a pipe, a rolling guide, two ball screws and two servomotors. The dynamic models of the bionic bladder system for heaving and pitchi ng motion were established and based on which a dual-velocity control system was designed. Two control channels r ealized decoupling by setting different control cyc les, and a PID controller are designed for each control channel. S imulations with the real design parameters and diff erent control cycles were performed. Results indicated that the b ionic bladder system can get a good control perform ance with proper control parameters.

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