
As server virtualization is used as an essential software infrastructure of various software services such as cloud computing, availability management of server virtualized system is becoming more significant. Although time-based software rejuvenation is useful to postpone/prevent failures due to software aging in a server virtualized system, the rejuvenation schedules for virtual machine (VM) and virtual machine monitor (VMM) need to be determined in a proper way for the VM availability, since VMM rejuvenation affects VMs running on the VMM. This paper presents analytic models using stochastic reward nets for three time-based rejuvenation techniques of VMM; (i) Cold-VM rejuvenation in which all VMs are shut down before the VMM rejuvenation, (ii) Warm-VM rejuvenation in which all VMs are suspended before the VMM rejuvenation and (iii) Migrate-VM rejuvenation in which all VMs are moved to the other host server during the VMM rejuvenation. We compare the three techniques in terms of steady-state availability and the number of transactions lost in a year. We find the optimal combination of rejuvenation trigger intervals for each rejuvenation technique by a gradient search method. The numerical analysis shows the interesting result that Warm-VM rejuvenation does not always outperform Cold-VM rejuvenation in terms of steady-state availability depending on rejuvenation trigger intervals. Migrate-VM rejuvenation is better than the other two as long as live VM migration rate is large enough and the other host server has a capacity to accept the migrated VM.

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