
Recently, the 40-100Gbps Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) is standardized by IEEE 802.3bj. Unlike the 1-10Gbps EEE, the 40-100Gbps EEE includes two energy-saving states with different power consumption and state transition times. The default Dual-Mode strategy is the fundamental policy, which utilizes these states to make a trade-off between the energy saving and the incurred latency of frames. Although numerous analytical works have been proposed for EEE strategies, most of them can only be applied to the single energy-saving state condition of 1-10Gbps EEE, or can only capture the mean latency of frames. However, the interactive applications always place a soft or hard deadline on frame transmission. Accordingly, the tail latency of frames becomes crucial. Therefore, we model and analyze the latency distribution of frames in the 40-100Gbps Dual-Mode EEE in this work. The guidelines provided by analytical results help the Dual-Mode strategy to fulfill the given tail latency requirement and make a better trade-off between the energy saving and the incurred latency under different traffic loads. In addition, this model is powerful as it can generate the major results of several existing works under the corresponding simplified scenarios. Finally, the analytical results are verified by trace-driven simulations based on NS3.

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