
Self-nucleated and external neutron nucleated acoustic (bubble fusion) cavitation experiments have been modeled and analyzed for neutron spectral characteristics at the detector locations for all separate successful published bubble fusion studies. Our predictive approach was first calibrated and validated against the measured neutron spectrum emitted from a spontaneous fission source ( 252Cf), from a Pu–Be source and from an accelerator-based monoenergetic 14.1 MeV neutrons, respectively. Three-dimensional Monte-Carlo neutron transport calculations of 2.45 MeV neutrons from imploding bubbles were conducted, using the well-known MCNP5 transport code, for the published original experimental studies of Taleyarkhan et al. [Taleyarkhan, et al., 2002. Science 295, 1868; Taleyarkhan, et al., 2004. Phys. Rev. E 69, 036109; Taleyarkhan, et al., 2006a. PRL 96, 034301; Taleyarkhan, et al., 2006b. PRL 97, 149404] as also the successful confirmation studies of Xu et al. [Xu, Y., et al., 2005. Nuclear Eng. Des. 235, 1317–1324], Forringer et al. [Forringer, E., et al., 2006a. Transaction on American Nuclear Society Conference, vol. 95, Albuquerque, NM, USA, November 15, 2006, p. 736; Forringer, E., et al., 2006b. Proceedings of the International Conference on Fusion Energy, Albuquerque, NM, USA, November 14, 2006] and Bugg [Bugg, W., 2006. Report on Activities on June 2006 Visit, Report to Purdue University, June 9, 2006]. NE-213 liquid scintillation (LS) detector response was calculated using the SCINFUL code. These were cross-checked using a separate independent approach involving weighting and convoluting MCNP5 predictions with published experimentally measured NE-213 detector neutron response curves for monoenergetic neutrons at various energies. The impact of neutron pulse-pileup during bubble fusion was verified and estimated with pulsed neutron generator based experiments and first-principle calculations. Results of modeling-cum-experimentation were found to be consistent with published experimentally observed neutron spectra for 2.45 MeV neutron emissions during acoustic cavitation (bubble) fusion experimental conditions with and without ice-pack (thermal) shielding. Calculated neutron spectra with the inclusion of ice-pack shielding are consistent with the published spectra from experiments of Taleyarkhan et al. [Taleyarkhan, et al., 2006a. PRL 96, 034301] and Xu et al. [Xu, Y., et al., 2005. Nuclear Eng. Des. 235, 1317–1324] where ice-pack shielding was present, whereas without ice-pack shielding the calculated neutron spectrum is consistent with the experimentally observed neutron spectra of Taleyarkhan et al. [Taleyarkhan, et al., 2002. Science 295, 1868; Taleyarkhan, et al., 2004. Phys. Rev. E 69, 036109] and Forringer et al. [Forringer, E., et al., 2006a. Transaction on American Nuclear Society Conference, vol. 95, Albuquerque, NM, USA, November 15, 2006, p. 736; Forringer, E., et al., 2006b. Proceedings of the International Conference on Fusion Energy, Albuquerque, NM, USA, November 14, 2006] and also that from GEANT computer code [Agostinelli, S., et al., 2003. Nuclear Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 506, 250–303] predictions [Naranjo, B., 2006. PRL 97 (October), 149403] in which ice shielding was also absent. The results of this archive confirm for the record that the confusion and controversies caused from past reports [Reich, E., 2006. Nature (March) 060306. news@nature.com; Naranjo, B., 2006. PRL, 97 (October) 149403] have resulted from their neglect of important details of bubble fusion experiments. Results from this paper demonstrate that ice-pack shielding between the detector and the fusion neutron source, gamma photon leakage and neutron pulse-pileup due to picosecond duration neutron pulse emission effects play important roles in affecting the spectra of neutrons from acoustic inertial confinement thermonuclear fusion experiments.

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