
Recent attention to methane emissions from oil and gas infrastructure has increased interest in comparing measurements with inventory emission estimates. While measurement methods typically estimate emissions over a few periods that are seconds to hours in length, current inventory methods typically produce long-term average emission estimates. This temporal mis-alignment complicates comparisons and leads to underestimates in the uncertainty of measurement methods. This study describes a new temporally and spatially resolved inventory emission model (MEET), and demonstrates the model by application to compressor station emissions – the key facility type in midstream natural gas operations The study looks at three common facility measurement methods: tracer flux methods for measuring station emissions, the use of ethane-methane ratios for source attribution of basin-scale estimates, and the behavior of continuous monitoring for leak detection at stations. Simulation results indicate that measurement methods likely underestimate uncertainties in emission estimates by failing to account for the variability in normal facility emissions and variations in ethane/methane ratios. A tracer-based measurement campaign could estimate emissions outside the 95% confidence interval of annual emissions 30% of the time, while ethane/methane ratios could be mis-estimated by as much as 50%. Use of MEET also highlights the need to improve data reporting from measurement campaigns to better capture the temporal and spatial variation in observed emissions.

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