
The two-dimensional Heisenberg spin-1/2 model with alternated exchange interaction along the c axis and an anisotropic distribution of the exchange interaction in the lattice, Jb/Jc=0.1, is examined. A quantum Monte Carlo method is used to calculate the phase diagrams of the antiferromagnet, the dimer state in a plane, the value of the alternation δ of the exchange interaction, and the anisotropy Δ=1−Jxy/Jz of the exchange interaction, Δ∼δ0.58(6). The following characteristics are calculated for Δ=0.25: the dependence of the temperature of the dimer-state-paramagnet transition on the alternation of the exchange interaction, Tc(δ)=0.55(4)(δ−0.082(6))0.50(3), the singlet-triplet energy gap, and the dependence of the magnetization on the external field for some values of δ. The value of the exchange interaction, Jc=127 K, the alternation of the exchange interaction, δ=0.11Jc, and the correlation radius along the c axis, ξc≈28c, are determined. Finally, it is found that the temperature dependence of the susceptibility and the specific heat are in good agreement with the experimental data.

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