
TTim is a free code for the semi-analytic simulation of transient flow in multi-layer systems consisting of an arbitrary number of layers. No grid or time-stepping is required, nor does a closed model boundary need to be specified in any of the layers. Currently, TTim includes multi-layer wells and line-sinks, which may be used to simulate transient flow to a variety of hydrogeologic features, including wells with a skin and wellbore storage, incompletely sealed abandoned wells, streams with leaky beds, vertical faults, and horizontal wells; transient forcing needs to be represented by a step function. Other features that may be simulated include vertical anisotropy and the delayed response of the water table. Behind the scenes of TTim, the Laplace-transform analytic element method is applied. TTim is written in Python, with Python scripts used as input files. TTim has many practical applications, including the design of riverbank filtration systems, analysis of aquifer tests near surface-water bodies, design and evaluation of recirculation wells, and modeling of the transient pressure response of proposed carbon geologic sequestration projects. In addition, the short and simple input files and the one-to-one link between analytic elements and hydrogeologic features make TTim well suited for education.

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