
Relevance. The model of " triple helix" is more than 10 years a subject of theoretical judgment and development of applied techniques of her assessment and realization. However, philosophical and sociocultural aspects of her functioning, and also reflexive features among institutional agents remain on the periphery of the scientific analysis.The purpose an objective of this research is the analysis of expert positions of representatives of scientific and pedagogical community of higher education institutions about separate aspects of functioning of model of " triple helix". Objectives: To reveal expert estimates of representatives of scientific and pedagogical community of higher education institutions about separate aspects of functioning of model of "triple helix".Methodology. Research is executed on the basis of existing techniques of an assessment of innovative development of subjects of " triple helix " and empirical methods of poll.Results. Among barriers and contradictions in "spiral" integration of institutes of the power, business and science / education on the basis of expert positions are defined: 1) for the power ‒ vertical isolation and low density of horizontal cross-contacts; 2) for business ‒ scientific researches are focused on short-term prospect, values of a private property; 3) for science / education ‒ scientific researches are focused on long-term prospect, the principles of universality of scientific knowledge, objects of intellectual property.Conclusions. As a result of a situation of civilization and cultural antagonism of social codes "traditions and innovations" the functional mimicry of institutes can act, is actually realized in morphology of values traditionally Russian bureaucracies – a paternalism – corruption. Such imitations can be characterized as the institutional mutations arising in the conditions of an anomy when there is a deconstruction of traditional values, and imperatives of innovative development exists it is only declarative.

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