
One of the efforts to develop the rural economy is the establishment of economic institutions such as Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) which are supported by the role of the local government and are based on the wishes of the village community. This BUMDes is expected to be able to increase market demand based on proper management of the existing village potential. Through cooperative behavior (social capital), synergy and a good entrepreneurial orientation in BUMDes managers and the positive role of the government it is hoped that there will be an increase in BUMDes business performance in Jembrana Regency.
 The purpose of this study is to comprehensively analyze the role of government and social capital of business managers through entrepreneurial orientation towards BUMDes business performance in Jembrana Regency. The basis of multivariate analysis used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).
 Through a research sample of 90 respondents from BUMDes managers in Jembrana Regency, the results are obtained: (1) social capital and the role of government directly have a positive but not significant effect on business performance, while entrepreneurial orientation has a positive and significant effect on business performance, and (2) social capital and the role of the government in a total positive and significant effect and require full mediation (full mediation) through entrepreneurial orientation to the business performance of BUMDes in Jembrana Regency, Bali.


  • Abstrak: Upaya pengembangan ekonomi pedesaan sudah sejak lama dijalankan oleh pemerintah melalui berbagai program, namun upaya itu belum membuahkan hasil yang memuaskan

  • of the efforts to develop the rural economy is the establishment of economic institutions

  • which are supported by the role of the local government

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Modal Sosial

Jaringan Kerja X131: Kepadatan jaringan kerja (X13) X132: Kerjasama dengan karyawan (bonding). Y111: Kemampuan bernisiatif Y112: Rajin mencari peluang atau model baru Y113: Kegigihan berusaha (percistence) Y114: Rasa ingin tahu tinggi Y121: Aktif mencari konsumen dan pasar Y122: Proaktif merancang produk baru Y123: Proaktif pada promosi produk Y124: Proaktif menggalang dukungan pihak lain Y131: Assertiveness; ketegasan bertindak Y132: Percaya diri Y133: Perencanaan sistematik Y134: Berani ambil keputusan dan risiko Y21: Peningkatan omzet penjualan/usaha Y22: Penambahan jenis/kuantitas usaha Y23: Peningkatan pendapatan usaha Y24: Peningkatan keuntungan (laba). 3. Hasil dan Pembahasan Hasil uji instrumen penelitian pada konstruk (variabel laten) orde pertama, semua nilai korelasi Product Moment di atas 0,300, artinya semua indikator valid. Sementara itu nilai Cronbach's Alpha (α) untuk setiap konstruk reflektif lebih besar dari 0,60, ini berarti bahwa instrumen penelitian (kuesioner) yang digunakan untuk mengukur konstruk tersebut layak dan dapat diandalkan. Hasil uji model pengukuran reflektif ini diperoleh setelah dilakukan pengolahan data penelitian untuk 90 responden (sampel) menggunakan alat bantu software Smart PLS

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