
<p><em>To obtain a bachelor's degree at a university, students must complete a </em>skripsi <em>(undergraduate thesis). In completing a </em>skripsi<em>, there are many things that must be overcome, such as preparing and submitting the </em>skripsi<em> title to the Head of the Study Program. To provide time efficiency for students, it is necessary to develop an easy-to-use application for submitting a </em>skripsi<em> title online. This research uses a qualitative approach method that focuses on observation. The model of the system is based on the SDLC Waterfall method which has a structured flow. This designed system model will assist in designing a website-based </em>skripsi<em> title submission system which will help students and lecturers to carry out the process of submitting </em>skripsi<em> titles to the Head of the Study Program for an official decree containing the name of the </em>skripsi<em> supervisors and the acceptance</em> of skripsi<em> title.</em></p>

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