
Recently, there were many reports a occurence of iodine deficiency disorders(IDD) and extension of goitre area in lowlands urban which should be enoughof iodine. Air pollution caused by motor-vehicle has reached high level in urbanarea (60-70%). Research in Yogyakarta (1997) found 55,9% subject wascontaminated by plumbum. Another research found there were mothers withlow iodine status. It is expected other factors were inhibiting iodine utilizationprocess. The child bearing age women (CBAW) are among vulnerable groupwhen incured lead exposure. It is related to possible hazard to their pregnancyand foetus. The aim of this study was to find prediction model the thyroid functionbased on age and blood lead level factors among CBAW with risk of plumbumexposure in urban area. Study design was cross-sectional. This study conductedin crowded traffic area in Yogyakarta. Subject were 99 CBAW 15-49 year. Bloodlead level was analyzed by AAS method; TSH-FT4 by ELISA; UIE by APDM;haemoglobin by CyanmetHb; data of cyanide and protein intake were collectedby interview using Semi-FFQ; and nutritional status was determined by BMI.Proportion of hypothyroidism was 19,2% (95%CI: 11,4%–26,9%). The CBAWwith high blood lead level was 49,5%. Logistic regression test result showedthere was relationship between blood lead level with thyroid function (p=0,018,RR=3,99). The contribution of age was very small (p=0,031, RR=0,92). The t testresult showed there was no relationship between cyanide, protein and iodineconsumtion, haemoglobin level, and nutrition status with thyroid function. Thehigh blood lead level was the risk factor of hypothyroidism among CBAW withrisk of plumbum (Pb) exposure in urban area.

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