
Abstract Δ V 10 index, proposed by the Japanese CRIEPI Institute and used all over the Far East countries, is a measure of voltage fluctuations in power grids. European standards prefer P st and P lt indicators for measuring voltage fluctuations. Δ V 10 index is an alternative to these indicators to measure flicker severity caused by voltage fluctuations. Δ V 10 and P st / P lt differ in terms of the characteristics of their measurement signal chains and may, therefore, be characterized by different diagnostic capabilities. The paper describes the definition of Δ V 10 index and proposes a block diagram for the index meter, based on the structure of a flickermeter. Besides, it presents the equation that models the meter’s signal chain for voltage variation, which could be reconstructed through amplitude modulation with periodic signal. The dependency of Δ V 10 index on the frequency of the modulating signal has been depicted. The values of Δ V 10 and P st indexes for equal voltage variations have been compared. Laboratory results have also been presented to enable assessment of the Δ V 10 index model for its dependability. A quantified relation between these indexes for selected shapes of a modulating signal has been defined, which establishes the possibility of converting one measure into the other for voltage fluctuations, reproducible through amplitude modulation with periodic signal.

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