
The article deals with an analysis of target situation for building lexical competence in English professionally oriented oral communication of prospective ecologists. Purpose of the article is to elaborate a model of target situation for building lexical competence in English professionally oriented oral communication of prospective ecologists, to select and analyze the data and find out the factors of effectiveness of this process. Methods: theoretical ones (analysis of research sources, content of syllabuses for disciplines of professional prospective ecologists’ training in order to reveal the essence of concept “analysis of target situation” and outline its components of building lexical competence in English professionally oriented oral communication of prospective ecologists); empirical ones (survey, questionnaire, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data). Results. It has been proved that an analysis of target situation provides the factors of effectiveness of this process and achievement of objectives and outcomes of the teaching. Conclusion. The model of target situation for building lexical competence in English professionally oriented oral communication of prospective ecologists has been designed that includes: the objectives of teaching (development of the system of lexical knowledge, skills and awareness, speaking and listening skills), learning interests (in topics and organization of instruction), learning needs (acquisition of basic glossary in ecology and speech clichés, selection of learning material), teaching methods (projects, presentations, cases, role-plays), teaching tools (a need for developing course books, workbooks and manuals for building lexical competence in English professionally oriented oral communication), content of teaching (topics, issues, typical and topical situations of English professionally oriented oral communication) and outcomes (high level of target competence).

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