
Abstract. The article analyzes the holistic process of forming soft skills of future social workers in higher education institutions; summarizes scientific and methodological developments in the formation of soft skills of students; defines the structural and functional model of soft skills formation in future social workers in the context of professional training; characterizes the set of basic structural blocks of the structural and functional model of soft skills formation of future social workers, namely target, content, theoretical and methodological. The content of each of the blocks identified in the model is briefly described. The factors that cause the problematic nature of building a model for the formation of soft skills are indicated. The characteristic features of professional training of social workers in higher education institutions are indicated. It is noted that the unity of all structural blocks in the structural and functional model of soft skills formation ensures the integrity of the professional training of future social workers in the educational process of higher education institutions. The article will be useful for students and teachers who are interested in the professional development of social workers.

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