
This study aims to describe the model of participation and political affiliation of the Mataraman people of East Java, Indonesia. The method used in this study is a combination method using an unbalanced mixture model (Concurrent embedded). The subjects in this study are the Mataraman people, namely people who live in the City/Regency of Madiun, Magetan, Nganjuk, Ponorogo, Ngawi, Trenggalek, and Pacitan. To collect data from existing subjects, the methods used are interviews, observations, and documentation and questionnaires. Meanwhile, to analyze the data, Miles and Huberman interactive technique was used, as well as descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the political participation model of the Mataraman community can be categorized as high. In terms of political behavior, the political participation model of the Mataraman community can be grouped into three categories, namely active, passive, and apathetic. The results of this study also show that the practice of money politics (money politics) in political celebrations in the Mataraman community is still quite high. Meanwhile, the ideological affiliation of Mataraman voters can be grouped into four, namely religious/religious-based ideological affiliation, nationalist-based ideological affiliation, nationalist-religious-based ideological affiliation, and change or program-based voter affiliation.

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