
The aim of the article was to present the model of integration and cooperation (hybridization) of selected methods of decision support as a specific research procedure. The model is the basis for the construction of the so-called decision-making dashboard, which is the main module of the academic, prototype version of the multi-criteria decision support system – DSS 3.0 [1], [2]. Three methods were hybridized: AHP/ANP and ELECTRE TRI included in the area of multi-criteria decision analysis and the method of identification and econometric evaluation based on multiple regression analysis. Due to the limited volume of the study, the description of the algorithms of these methods was abandoned. The focus was on defining the set of input data common to the above-mentioned methods and on the description of the integration process of the results of the decision analysis obtained with their use, indicating the effects of their synergy. The properties of the model are illustrated on a practical example of employee team assessment (case study). The decision making dashboard provided answers to some interesting questions. How is the ranking of employees shaped? What is the overall assessment of a given employee (or candidate for a position) compared to the results of the entire staff? What is the distribution of the number of assignments of the ranked employees to the established classes (profiles) of multi-criteria assessment? Are the ranking favourites in the group of the highest, average or poorly rated employees? What is the ratio of the level of employees’ remuneration to the ratings obtained in the ranking?

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