
The establishment of the Halal Center of UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu is very important to provide convenience for MSME actors in obtaining halal certification. Based on the perception data described above, it is necessary to monitor and facilitate the mentoring process for MSME actors. Halal product process assistant (PPH) is a service that must be available in a halal center, particularly in universities. Before implementing this PPH mentoring, it is necessary to have training in order to provide understanding and knowledge before implementing the mentoring process with MSMEs. To find out and analyze the halal center model at UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu using the research and development method. The researchers designed the PPH mentoring module based on the materials needed during the training. The following are the stages of compiling the PPH mentoring module by the researcher adapting the 4D development model by Thiagarajan. Based on the results of the module trial, it is known that the informants/respondents of this study gave a good perception of the PPH mentoring module. The first statement is that the material in the training module chosen is based on the need for assistance and has an average score of 4.79. The material in the training module is in accordance with the training objectives of 4.73. The highest average score of informants/respondents' answers is that the material in the training module is presented in an interesting manner, and discussed in depth at 4.92. This shows that the material presented in the module is relevant to the training activities carried out, making it easier for module users to get the material. According to the statement, the training module material can provide benefits in terms of knowledge and skills in PPH mentoring of 3.46. This is followed by a statement that the material in the module explains thoroughly the process of halal products with an average value of 4.63 and non-halal products with a value of 4.71. The material in the module is presented systematically with an average value of 4.72. This means that the modules are presented systematically so that users can easily understand the material explained and participate in PPH mentoring training.

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