
The author of the article pays special attention to the problem of formation of social and cultural competence of social workers to-be in course of professional training, the topicality of which is confirmed by corresponding legal and regulatory framework. Moreover, the author also substantiates the choice of method of simulation as one of the most reasonable for its solution. The own definition of the notion “the model of formation of social and cultural competence” was provided in the context of author’s research. It was formulated as follows: “it is the integral system including certain structural components oriented to the professional becoming of social workers to-be in course of their professional training at higher educational establishments”. The attention was also focused on the approaches of other scientists to the matter under research. The author considers the models developed by the scientists O. Kvasnyk and Yu. Riabova, being of interest to author's research. The researcher O. Kvasnyk developed the model of formation of social and cultural competence of the professional of engineering and technical field. The structure of such model includes the following components: theoretic and methodological, organizational and sense bearing, procedural and activity, estimative and efficient. The scientist Yu. Riabova represented the model of training of social workers to-be for the professional activity in multinational environment. The model is structured according to the following blocks: organizational, sense bearing, test and efficient. Each specified block (or component) has own subject matter. The article also represents the description of the model of formation of social and cultural competence of social workers to-be in course of professional training developed by the author. It also provides the characteristic of destination, sense bearing, organizational and efficient blocks identified in the structure of proposed model. Destination block is represented by such components as the purpose, task, principles and approaches. The components and subject content are the constituents of sense bearing block. The organizational block is characterized with the availability of the following components: organizational and pedagogical conditions, stages, forms, methods and means. The criteria, levels and result are identified in the structure of the efficient block.

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