
The article deals with the model of formation of foreign-language professional communicative competence of intending translators. The given research defines the object as the process of formation of foreign-language professional-communicative competence of intending translators with the use of multimedia technologies, and its subject is the pedagogical means aimed at creating an effective process of formation of foreign language professional-communicative competence of future translators using multimedia technologies. It is noted that the construction of the model is effective, and it consists of three blocks: target, content-operation and result. The target block contains the purpose and objectives of the educational process. The main tasks are the formation of language and speech, as well as linguistic and sociocultural, strategic and discursive, professional components. Content-operation presents principles, methods and means of teaching during the formation of foreign language professional communicative competence of future translators with the use of multimedia technologies. The principles can be characterized as both general didactic (scientific, systematic and consistent, activity, consciousness, accessibility) and specific (interaction between subjects, professional focus, communicative orientation, individualization, productivity, authenticity). Selected forms of study are classroom activities (lectures, practical classes, seminars, group, team, frontal work), extracurricular activities (project-group, media work), distance activities (synchronous practical classes, asynchronous online tasks). Teaching methods are cooperative learning, collective group learning, situational modeling learning. Effective means include a training set of exercises using multimedia teaching methods, multimedia tools, remote online platforms (Moodle, GoogleMeet, StudyMo, Edmodo), dictionaries, encyclopedic guidelines, online services (MentiMetre, Kahoot). Result block includes criteria for the level of formation of foreign language professional communicative competence of future translators with the use of multimedia technologies. Acquisition by future translators of language and speech, linguistic and sociocultural, strategic and discursive, professional components will testify to the awareness of the relevant areas and the achievement of the goal. All blocks are interconnected.

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