
This paper is aimed to develop a model navigation and application of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global System Mobile (GSM) in the model system of the fishing guide. Furthermore, this paper describes what and how a major role in popularizing a fishing guide system model. Modifications that should be made in each unit to get a way to use the GPS and GSM according to fishermen dynamic environment is described. Modifications were made in the system model unit fishing guides also assist in finding a reliable and accurate planimetric solution in the case of poor visibility of GPS and GSM satellite, which is usually common in the fishing environment. In the model system models fishing guide fishing guide system based on GPS and GSM can be successfully implemented in an environment designed for fishermen in developing regions. This, if implemented in a planned will bring a significant increase in the revolutionary Indonesian Fisheries. The Model of Fishermen Guidance System Based GPS and GSM that has been built allowing an institution or an individual to be able to control, monitor and communicate in a geographic coordinate system (map). Validation by experts and users indicate that the system is operationally feasible to use the results of the feasibility level of 87.61% and 81.67% of the expert user and both showed good category. The operator will log into the appropriate application access rights are allowed. The resulting device system has several characteristics including: Easy to use (user friendly), Easy to carry (mobile handsets), Informative, Applicative, High Technology, and Network Wide. Based on daily monitoring, coordinate information distributed to the fishermen either via GPS, SMS (Short Massage Services) or through a printed map. Generally the fishermen using a printed map, due to the reading simpler and faster. Performance is based on the acquisition of fish fisherman fishermen after the data supplied koordiant previously, there were no reports that the fishermen do not get fish. With location information of fish that are easily achieved the goal of capturing the fisherman turned fish into taking fish. Basically the fishermen helped with the fish location information from the beginning. Location of fish that are informed by much more than the previous system in which fishermen have fish location data based on experiences.

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