
Improving the quality of public services is inherent in the implementation of the tasks and functionsof the Regional Work Unit as an extension of the tasks of the central government. The public service unitbecomes a service node for integrated service offices in the district while improving the quality of service to thecommunity. This study aims to examine the relationship of power orientation behavior, the process of serviceimprovement through Peripheral Disorientation and Discipline for Public Service providers in the RegionalWork Unit in Central Java. This study used a sample population of 181 Regional Work Unit public serviceemployees. This study uses an analysis technique that is Regression weight in SEM which is used to examinehow much the relationship between the variables. The model for research is illustrated by a path diagram. Thisis to make it easier to see the causality relationship between the variables to be tested. Based on this research itcan be concluded that: Power-motivated behavior has a positive influence on disorientation of public services.Power behavior has a positive influence on the disqualities of peripheral services. The behavior of publicservice discuality affects the discuality of Peripheral services. Peripheral service orientation is positivelyinfluential on the Performance of Public Service Providers. Peripheral service disorientation has a positiveeffect on the performance of public service providers so that public service provider agencies in this one-stoppublic service center in Banyumas district can control the power-motivated behavior carried out by theBanyumas Government Officer. If this can be carried out, then it is likely that public service providers will beable to reduce the disorientation of public services carried out by public service providers when serving thepublic. This finding contributes to research on power motivation in organizations conducted by Dolatabadi &Safa (2010), Oloko and Ogutu (2012) and Feeney (2011).

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