
This research aims to design a model of community wisdom in flood disaster mitigation in Padang City - Indonesia, based on the floor height of the house, drainage conditions, and the wisdom of working together against flood. This research uses a quantitative approach based on the Slovin formula. The results of this research are: (1) The physical wisdom carried out by the community is to increase the floor of the house to more than 65 cm as much as 10%; (2) 60% of the community understands not to throw garbage into the sewer and 23% of the community understands to take care of the drainage for the smooth flow of water; and (3) social wisdom 45% of the people closed waterways into their homes and housing complexes before the flood, 35% of the people who always worked together. From the results of the research, it was not found that there was an effort to make infiltration bio-pure holes and infiltration wells as required in PERDA No. 3/2019 Paragraph 7 which reads, “in the context of flood control every residential complex, industry, business/service area must make bio-pure holes and infiltration wells”.

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