
A computer model is presented for an innovative wastewater treatment process known as the Algae-Bacterial-Clay Treatment (ABCT) system. In this process the photosynthetic production of dissolved oxygen by algae supports the bacterial breakdown of organic matter in wastewater. Clay is added to the plug flow reactor to dampen input BOD variation. The model was developed to gain an improved understanding of transient behavior of dissolved oxygen and pH in the treatment reactor during typical operation. The model consists of five nonlinear ordinary differential equations describing the time rate of change of algae mass, bacterial mass, organic substrate, dissolved oxygen, and dissolved carbon dioxide. A fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration technique was used to predict system response at discrete time steps. The pH variation expected from changes in dissolved carbon dioxide was based upon presumptions that the system is buffered by the carbonic acid system, and that alkalinity does not change appreciably during the course of time. These assumptions were confirmed by experimental results. The model successfully predicted diurnal fluctuations in dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH in the ABCT process. The model predicted that algae will supply sufficient oxygen during sunny and partly sunny days to eliminate the need for continuous mechanical aeration. This feature should result in significant cost savings over conventional secondary wastewater treatment schemes. Surplus dissolved oxygen produced by algae during the day should be completely depleted at night due to bacterial respiration. This lack of oxygen, in turn, resulted in reduced substrate utilization and potential effluent discharge violations. Mechanical aeration during the night might be one possible remedial strategy. Despite its dynamic behavior, the ABCT process would be a viable and potentially cost efficient wastewater treatment strategy.

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