
The work focuses on the minimization of the body deflection from its equilibrium position after a deflection by force applied to the wheel with the task of simulating obstacles encountered by the wheel. The model presents a quarter of the car’s suspension with a nonlinear spring and a damper with magnetorheological fluid, by which the damping of the suspension is modified. The system was created in harmony with Lyapunov’s stability. The model was designed using Matlab-Simulink. The model was designed for testing many different damaged parts of the suspension, for example, a spring or a damper. In further attempts, the model was tested for numerous damaged parts, and the sequence of events was different. The model was tested for different characteristics of springs and dampers and variable method deflection wheel from its equilibrium position such as force and displacement. This work discusses the detection of damage to the suspension along with the possibility of adapting the MR damper control system to avoid reducing the comfort and safety of the vehicle.

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