
In this paper, we propose a model of a dipole with an atomic structure instead of the standard dipole model with point unlike charges and the Hertzian dipole model, which have significant drawbacks. The equations of the Hertzian dipole and the standard model operate from a distance much larger than size of the dipole, and the quasistatic Coulomb and Biot-Savart fields are the essence of the reactive near field, its own fields with a phase shift ΔφE,H = π/2, which have no restrictions on the distances to a dipole, since they are directly related to charges and their motion – currents. In the framework of the proposed dipole model, we described the physical mechanisms for the formation of near and far fields of an oscillating dipole, which are based on the use of the Coulomb and Biot-Savart fields, the quasistatic lines of force of their electric charge fields Е, and the magnetic fields of the currents Н for the analysis of energy fluxes: reactive Sr at ΔφE,H = π/2 and active Sа at ΔφE,H = 0 alike.


  • В роботі запропонована модель диполя зі структурою атома замість стандартної моделі диполя з точковими різнойменними зарядами та моделі диполя Герца, які мають істотні недоліки

  • We propose a model of a dipole with an atomic structure instead of the standard dipole model with point unlike charges and the Hertzian dipole model, which have significant drawbacks

  • The equations of the Hertzian dipole and the standard model operate from a distance much larger than size of the dipole, and the quasistatic Coulomb and Biot-Savart fields are the essence of the reactive near field, its own fields with a phase shift ΔφE,H = π/2, which have no restrictions on the distances to a dipole, since they are directly related to charges and their motion – currents

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В роботі запропонована модель диполя зі структурою атома замість стандартної моделі диполя з точковими різнойменними зарядами та моделі диполя Герца, які мають істотні недоліки. Процесс самозамыкания и преобразования ближнего поля в поле излучения идёт не в одной нулевой точке, где Edc = 0, а в течение всей фазы схождения зарядов за счёт процесса компенсации при уменьшении плеча диполя l.

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