
AbstractAnti-corruption education is a form of prevention against corrupt behavior that aims to develop integrity in students. The problem that needs to be studied is How is the PAK Conceptual Model for Developing Integrity of Teacher Education Students of PAUD FKIP Untan Pontianak? This study aims to understand students understanding of the concept of corruption and corruption eradication strategies, which emerge about the importance of anti-corruption education and to find a conceptual model for anti-corruption education in tertiary institutions.This research uses a combination / mixed approach method, namely a combination of qualitative and quantitative.The results showed that students understand Anti-Corruption Education leads to efforts to fortify themselves individually from crimes that harm state finances. Anti-corruption education values that need to be instilled in students are the values of honesty, care, independence, discipline, responsibility, self-confidence, hard work, simplicity, courage and justice. The PAK conceptual model develops the integrity of PG-PAUD FKIP Untan students by applying various learning methods such as the inquiry method which invites students to analyze the impact of corruption, gather facts about the portrait of society in Indonesia as a result of corruption. Methods of discussion of corruption cases that occur in Indonesia (contextual / case studies) as well as the VCT method featuring a short film with anti-corruption content, then students who identify the anti-corruption values in the film. Keywords: Conceptual Model, Anti-Corruption Education

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