
In the modern world, various polymeric materials are widely used, for example, “artificial wool” which containing 85% polyacrylonitrile. When polyacrylonitrile is burned, for example in a fire, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide and other toxic compounds are released into the atmosphere. To date, in the Russian Federation, only sodium thiosulfate is available as an antidote for cyanide poisoning (State Register of Medicines (as of 12 January 2020)). However, this antidote is not specific for cyanide poisoning. In the conducted experimental study on laboratory animals (rats), the static inhalation effect of polyacrylonitrile pyrolysis products was simulated (weight of the sample was 0.8 grams, pyrolysis temperature was 270-350 °С, and the duration of the pyrolysis was 3 min). Registered changes in general condition, body position in space, rectal temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate of animals. The oxygenation parameters and indicators of the acid-base state of the blood of laboratory animals after intoxication were determined. Qualitative detection of cyanides in samples of the brain and myocardium was carried out by gas chromatography. A model of acute severe intoxication of laboratory animals with the products of polyacrylonitrile pyrolysis was developed. As a result of the analysis of the gas-air mixture, it was found in it: hydrogen cyanide at a concentration of 80-120 ppm, carbon monoxide - 900-1000 ppm. It wasshown that intoxication of laboratory animals with polyacrylonitrile pyrolysis products leads to changes(p < 0.05) in vital signs, a decrease in oxygen arteriovenous difference (p = 0.03), and the development of decompensated metabolic acidosis. By gas chromatographic analysis, a peak of cyanides with a retention time of 3.78 min was detected in the tissues of the brain and myocardium (1 figure, 2 tables, bibliograph y: 7 refs).

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