
The IPCC Special Report on Aviation and the Global Atmosphere (PENNER et al., 1999) highlighted the variability between model calculations of both the impact of sub- and supersonic aircraft. This study provides valuable information on the transport of aircraft-like emissions from sub- and supersonic cruise altitudes and latitudes. The accurate reproduction of the transport of aircraft emissions from their source region is extremely important in any study of the atmosphere. The results of this tracer study have revealed that the transport of aircraft-like tracers is highly variable between models during a single two year integration. If aircraft emissions are considered to remain inactive in the atmosphere then model calculations predict that it is possible, within the course of only two years, to transport subsonic aircraft emissions from the midlatitude upper troposphere into the polar lower and middle stratosphere. This result emphasises the importance of reproducing the correct transport processes throughout the lower atmosphere in calculations of the atmospheric impact of aircraft.

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