
There are various kinds of interactions between people and the Qur’an in Muslim societies. Ideally, lecturers of Islamic universities have a quality interaction to the Qur’an. This paper aims at elaborating various models of interaction in behaving the Qur’an by the lecturers of IAIN Purwokerto. It explores the forms, values, motives and interpretations of lecturers’ interaction to the Qur’an. The research employs an integrative approach by combining social approach of David Murley’s reception theory on three possibilities for accepting text and religious approach on three levels of worshipers. The paper argues that the way the lecturers behave the Qur’an is classified into four receptive model of interaction: liturgical, aesthetic, intellectual, and mystical reception. The four model of interactions are mostly representing the ‘dominant reading,’ where they interact to the Qur’an as it was. While some others are typically representing the ‘negotiated reading’ and even ‘transactional,’ where they improve a new reading of the Qur’an which in line to their socio-cultural milieu.


  • There are various kinds of interactions between people and the Qur’an in Muslim societies

  • This paper aims at elaborating various models of interaction in behaving the Qur’an by the lecturers of IAIN Purwokerto

  • Dosen berinisial SM, misalnya menyatakan bahwa “saya mengakaji dan membahas pesan-kesan dan misi al-Qur’an yang harus diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari untuk kemudian disampaikan kepada anggota jamaahnya.”[49] Di samping itu, ada dosen yang mengkaji alQur’an yang dituangkan dalam bentuk tulisan, dan diterbitkan di beberapa jurnal seperti Komunika, Maghza, dan al-Manahij.[50] Juga, ada yang menggunakan kandungan ayat-ayat al-Qur’an yang sudah digubah menjadi lagu untuk dituturkan dalam ceramah keagamaan di masyarakat, karena menurutnya jika masyarakat, khususnya anak-anak muda diperdengarkan ayat al-Qur’an secara langsung, mereka akan ‘lari.’[51] Selain itu, dengan model interaksi ini mereka dapat memperoleh inspirasi dan wawasan baru, menambah kosa kata baru, menemukan dan menikmati keindahan bahasa al-Qur’an, dan memahami makna al-Qur’an

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There are various kinds of interactions between people and the Qur’an in Muslim societies.

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