
Through likelihood analyses of both current and future data that constrain both the expansion history of the universe and the clustering of matter fluctuations, we provide falsifiable predictions for three broad classes of models that explain the accelerated expansions of the universe: $\Lambda$CDM, the quintessence scenario and a more general class of smooth dark energy models that can cross the phantom barrier $w(z)=-1$. Our predictions are model independent in the sense that we do not rely on a specific parametrization, but we instead use a principal component (PC) basis function constructed a priori from a noise model of supernovae and Cosmic Microwave Background observations. For the supernovae measurements, we consider two type of surveys: the current JLA and the upcoming WFIRST surveys. We show that WFIRST will be able to improve growth predictions in curved models significantly. The remaining degeneracy between spatial curvature and $w(z)$ could be overcome with improved measurements of $\sigma_8 \Omega_m^{1/2}$, a combination that controls the amplitude of the growth of structure. We also point out that a PC-based Figure of Merit reveals that the usual two-parameter description of $w(z)$ does not exhaust the information that can be extracted from current data (JLA) or future data (WFIRST).


  • The source of the current accelerated expansion of the universe, discovered almost two decades ago [1, 2], remains one of the most intriguing puzzles of our time

  • We study a broader class of cosmic acceleration scenarios, modeling the equation of state w(z) by a principal component (PC) basis function, following previous works [29,30,31]

  • We have adopted the prior −2.5 < w(z) < 1 on the dark energy equation of state to reduce the computational requirements of the demanding Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) likelihood analysis that we present here and in the subsequent sections

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The source of the current accelerated expansion of the universe, discovered almost two decades ago [1, 2], remains one of the most intriguing puzzles of our time. We analyze a broad class of scenarios with a constant or time-dependent (but smooth) equation of state, with and without spatial curvature This work provides both an update of the current stateof-the art on constraints on the Hubble expansion rate, as a function of redshift, the luminosity distance and the growth of structure, as well as predictions for the upcoming surveys. This paper offers a complementary approach to previous efforts [32, 33] that relied on specific functional forms for w(z) Another appealing possibility is to use w(z) PCA to examine in detail how systematic effects and different survey strategies induce changes in the dark energy equation of state [34].

Smooth Dark Energy
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