
The article includes interpretations behind the enhancement of the Pedagogical Model for the development of linguistic intelligence in elementary school students. The beginning of the text reflects arguments with reference to the actuality and necessity of creating such a pedagogical model. An analysis of existing studies is provided, the results of which were used in the development of the given model. Then follows the description of the structural elements of the model: level 1 – Intelligence as a function of the mind; level 2 – of the Model-Topic of linguistic intelligence; level 3 – Marking the development of linguistic intelligence with linguistic dimensions: semantics, phonology, syntax, praxis; level 4 – Argumentological Principle and DIL Technology. This structural element of the Model has been given priority in the description, because it is one it is one that has particular originality and significance. The conditions derived from certain principles are presented, the compliance of which might increase the effectiveness of the formation of linguistic intelligence in young students.

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