
This study describes a case study involving the use of bioengineering and rock structures torestore an eroded bank of the Deduru Oya, and restoration of ecological amenities thatexisted prior to disturbances by man and a major flood event, sustainable plot level landimprovement by agro forestry farming techniques. In addition, this study exposed thatimproper land use activities and illegal activities done by the people directly influence to thenatural process of Daduru Oya river basin. Thus, the study emphasized that banning riversand mining in the Deduru Oya until improvements of the sand deposits again at the river bedthere is no balance between the deposition and transportation, and until the river has adequatecompletion of sand in the banks and the river bed. If not that will be creates lots ofenvironmental problems in the area.Therefore, considering the river bank conservation by bio engineering best practice of landuse in the Deduru Oya lower basin were helpful to protect river bank erosion, groundwaterconservation, riparian buffer zone redevelopment and water and land management. Bothliving and nonliving plants can be used. Nonliving plants are used as construction materials,similar to engineered materials. Planted vegetation controls erosion and serves as goodwildlife and fisheries habitat in riparian systems. Guidelines are generally lacking for use ofbioengineering treatment on stream banks, which often explains why bioengineering is notused more often. The management strategy which is used (Bio engineering technology forconserve the river banks) are help to control soil erosion by runoff water of the river buffer,reduce silting in river bed by eroded soil and other materials, Increase the water qualitypurifying water by the roots of plants, increase green canopies and green belt beside of theriver, control the flood damage, bio-diversity conservation. This is socially acceptable,economically and environmentally sustainable technology. If this technology can be appliedfor the other river banks development, that will help to protect rivers and associatedenvironment. It is not applicable this technology for the entire river banks in Sri Lanka butshould have to identify the suitable place and do the implementation. This is low cost, ecofriendlyend sustainable technology. Introducing endemic species (Mee -Madhuca longifolia,Midella - Barringtonia aceamosa, Kumbuk - Peminalia arguna, Rambuk -Erianthusarundinaceus, Bamboo Three Types) to the river bank is extensively helpful to conservebiological diversity and have medicinal and cultural values. Moreover, agroforestry farminggain much help to maintain keep healthy of the soil fertility sustainably.

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