
The influence of various solvents upon the interfacial-potential profile on Pt(111) has been investigated by means of work-function changes and infrared frequency Stark shifts attending sequential-molecular dosing in ultra-high vacuum (UHV) at a suitably low temperature (ca. 100 K) with the primary objective of assessing the role of surface solvation in related electrochemical systems. The solvents examined — dichloromethane, benzene, acetone, acetonitrile, methanol, and ammonia — span a range of polarity and other solvating properties. These species were dosed onto both clean and CO-saturated Pt(111), the Stark shifts being evaluated for the CO stretching mode of terminally co-ordinated carbon monoxide. Marked decreases (≥ 1 eV) in the work function, Φ, and hence in the surface potential, φ, are observed on the addition of most solvents onto clean Pt(111). Milder yet still substantial Φ decreases are also observed for solvent dosage upon CO-saturated Pt(111). These latter Φ changes correlate approximately with the observed v CO frequency downshifts, suggesting that the latter property is also sensitive to the solvent-induced electrostatic interfacial field. The functional form of both the Φ decreases and the corresponding v CO frequency downshifts induced by solvent dosage provide insight into the dosage-dependent potential profile and its relationship to both the monolayer and multilayer solvent structure. The present findings are also briefly compared with corresponding v t CO − Φ data obtained for potassium atom dosing, where the surface potential is altered instead by varying the surface electronic charge in the presence of a given solvent. The underlying factors responsible for the surprisingly large solvent-induced surface potential shifts are discussed in detail, and the likely importance of the surface electronic charge distribution as well as solvent dipole orientation and adsorbate-metal charge sharing is pointed out.

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