
The continuing evolution of business needs and technology makes Web applications more demanding in terms of development, usability and interactivity of their user interfaces. To cope with this complexity, several frameworks have emerged and a new type of Web applications called RIA (Rich Internet Applications) has recently appeared providing richer and more efficient graphical components similar to desktop applications. Given this diversity of solutions, the generation of a code based on UML models has become important. This paper presents the application of the MDA (Model Driven Architecture) to generate, from the UML model, the Code following the MVP pattern (Model-View-Presenter) for a RIA using the standard MOF 2.0 QVT (Meta-Object Facility 2.0 Query-View-Transformation) as a transformation language. We adopt GWT (Google web Toolkit) for creating a target meta-model to generate an entire GWT-based web application. The transformation rules defined in this paper can generate, from the class diagram, an XML file containing the Views, the Models, and the Presenter. This file can be used to generate the necessary code of a RIA.

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